Senior Member

 United Kingdom
283 posts Joined: Jul, 2003
Posted - 2019/06/03 : 11:07:52
Thanks for the kind comments about my reply. I'm also glad that it isn't just me that can see the same obvious points.
All I'll say about the future for the scene and Hardcore in general is this:
If within us there's as much as a seed of hope and passion for hardcore and a belief that we can make the music stronger and better and the scene vibrant and happy yet again, there is always forever a chance. Never give up believing in something you're so passionate about, because without that hope, passion and desire, what do any of us truly have? It's what makes us and defines us. For that reason, I will continue to support hardcore music, the scene and the DJs and Producers that love it as I do.
Thanks again guys. Appreciate your feedback.
DJ Andy Myers
Download my mixes & shows FREE Core Sensations FB
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