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DJ Equipment for n00bs

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Junior Member

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Posted - 2005/03/02 :  00:06:41  Show profile Send a private message
-hello everyone, i really want to get into mixing and such so i was wondering about like one of those DJ kits with turntables and a mixer. Are they any good?

-what kinds of systems do you guys recommend?

-im looking to spend $200-300 for now (cheap)

-any help is greatly apprediated

-im not very good, realitivly n00b system is ok.

-i was interested in this kit
but im not sure if its any good, as far as quality, what do you guys think?
should i spend some more money? thx

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Brian K
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Posted - 2005/03/02 :  01:24:18  Show profile  Send a private message
scratch zone!

I'd recommend finding someone in your area that has tables and start playing on those. spend your money buying records and wait till you can afford to buy 'real' decks =P

if this is something you really want to do, your best bet is to save your money. in the long run you will want to buy better tables so it will be worth the wait.

as far as decks go, check out numark ttx's, vestax pdx2000's, technic 1200's

mixers...really depends on what you are wanting to do, spend more money on the decks and you can buy a new mixer later.

if you can't wait, buy nothing less than a direct drive...and I wouldn't recommend gemini tables

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"we'll delete the weak"

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Posted - 2005/03/02 :  02:05:28  Show profile  Send a private message
Alright, thanks for your help, im still going to see what others think.

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Posted - 2005/03/02 :  02:39:59  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit icex's homepage
he said it all. if ur serious buy good stuff.

to have any kind of record collection you will need to spend at least $1000 on records.

about $600 on used technics and about 100-200 bucks on a mixer.

thats $1700-1800 for a complete setup.

not including an audio system and needles.


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Posted - 2005/03/02 :  02:43:51  Show profile  Send a private message
yea save your money if you're serious
if you dont have any friends who DJ and dont have too much cash and want a rather expensive hobby like me, i think a cheaper system will do
Personally I dont think 200-300 will cover the cost of turntables, mixer, carts, cables, headphones, speakers and stuff, you're going to need more if you want anything close to decent and still have money to buy vinyl (8-10 bucks a piece aint close to free)
me I spent about 600 for most everything and thats without vinyl
my decks are numark tt-200's, seemed to be the cheapest better than average thing available and they are pretty solid, good enough for my needs at least. 170 each from amazon. and two of those is already 340, already over your limit
go for a Numark battlepack of some sort if you really dont want to spend too much money. Still, I think you're going to need more

in two thousand four, it was HARDCORE


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Posted - 2005/03/02 :  03:03:00  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit lucificifus's homepage
I'd get eBay decks that break down in 8 months before I get new Gemini's that arent even worth playing the minute you get them out of the box.

Search for Numart TT-1 or Numark TT-2's
^^^ they are the precursor to the TTX, and have a BPM counter, which should help ya ;)

Pss Pss Pshhahaha Brkkkkkkititikikikiki BEEP BEEP BEEP.... *CRASH*


pump tha selectah!

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Posted - 2005/03/02 :  04:08:13  Show profile  Send a private message
im learning to mix on stantons (str8-30) theyre really cheap and arent the greatest but I feel like im learning better than I would on something like 1200s simply because you need to have better control/coordination over the decks to mix. Ive used 1200s a bit and i have to say theyre alot easier to mix on.

The way I see it is learning with shittier decks is a bit like training with weights on.

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If someone ever asks you why,
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steve O
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Posted - 2005/03/02 :  16:57:10  Show profile  Send a private message
^^^ He's right you know!

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'BCN style'

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Posted - 2005/03/02 :  19:21:29  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit NeXuS's homepage
If you search for deal on Numarks, they are usually a good deal for some solid decks. The TTX's are right there under the 1200's and they are alot cheaper.

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Posted - 2005/03/02 :  22:14:56  Show profile  Send a private message
i wasnt planning on spending 200-300 on the WHOLE system, just the decks. I could probibly save for more money, and ill stay away from the Gemeni systems, but for now im oging to have to stay kinda cheap

what about for an individual table? how much do you guys think i should spend (it cant suck, but it doesnt have to be incredible quality)

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