zelachang Senior Member
United States
466 posts Joined: Nov, 2004
54 hardcore releases
Posted - 2005/02/08 : 03:31:46
quote:Originally posted by Knightmare:
If you like deathmetal you should check out "the crown" (the quit in 2003, but they're awesome). It's to die for, as for the nu-metal shit I just loooooooove Static-X, and stuff like Killswitch engage isn't all that bad either.
dude, static-x, Wisconsin Death Trip was like the best stuff ever. I like the newer one Shadowzone a lot too... Havent listened to the newer stuff in awhile though. Mudvayne and Static-X still rock my speakers from time to time. Im also into the German stuff, i.e. Rammstein, Megaherz, Eisbrecher, Oomph!, all that stuff. I listen to that or hardcore
in two thousand four, it was HARDCORE
hyperdance Advanced Member
United Kingdom
522 posts Joined: Jul, 2004
Posted - 2005/02/12 : 10:47:59
i say a static-x hardcore mix shud b done, coz i used 2 like them coz they wer playin fast metal! bu i dot like listenin 2 the hole guitar thing, so i think it wud sound nice in a hardcore remix. cool?
its funny because its true!!
its funny because its true!!
Sk8SiM Advanced Member
United Kingdom
1,293 posts Joined: Nov, 2004
Posted - 2005/02/15 : 17:15:50
METAL & HardCore all the way
thats my saying ^^^^
hardcore and metal are kinda the same really... just opposites
HardCore - bounce round ya room with a HUGE smile on ya face!
Metal - bounce round ya room pissed off and trow the coffie table out the window!
S'all good :)
Plus Metal ent all the same ya know, there is some metal i don't like, but i love most of it :) its nice to just go to a club and mosh then get trown across the floor. but the thing is you always get helped up (unless its a slipknot gig or something) so they ent that bad at all!
DJ SiMUl8 Presents SiMPliciTy!
<b>To Be Open Minded... Is To Open Your Mind!</b> http://www.myspace.com/Sk8SiM Sk8SiM/Morrall Studios.
Simon Advanced Member
5,001 posts Joined: Dec, 2001
Posted - 2005/02/15 : 22:25:33
quote:Originally posted by Sk8SiM:
METAL & HardCore all the way
thats my saying ^^^^
hardcore and metal are kinda the same really... just opposites
HardCore - bounce round ya room with a HUGE smile on ya face!
Metal - bounce round ya room pissed off and trow the coffie table out the window!
Like you say there is loads of variation on any genre of music really. Not all metal has to be angry, wack some power metal on enjoy the spped and constant double-bass, but it isn't angry stuff, can be quite mellow at times!
"So understand,
Don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years,
Face up...Make your stand,
And realise your living in the golden years!"
Knightmare Advanced Member
1,700 posts Joined: Feb, 2003
Posted - 2005/02/16 : 19:20:06
like said above, not all metal has to be about violence and agression, there are metal ballads aswel, gothic metla that speaks of emotions, epic metal that tells stories and all kindsa other stuff.
Posted - 2005/02/17 : 21:35:48
i DONT like metal or punk rock..! an you ask why? well i live in arkansas (usa) an the rock bands are everwhere around here an its Killing the happyhardcore,trance an techno partys....rock music needs to go jump into a hole in the ground...an stay there FOREVER.
The world would be a better place kids would be happer! (do you see what i'm getting at here)
Stony McTony Advanced Member
United Kingdom
534 posts Joined: May, 2004
Posted - 2005/02/17 : 21:38:29
hey, i started this topic about 6 months ago when i got really pissed off at one of the metal heads i work with, im very very sorry for anyones feelings ive hurt but lets let it lie now. Come on guys some ppl like some things some people dont so lets all learn to get along eh? seriously 6 months is long enough!! :P
Theres nothing wrong with the boat those big holes help keep our feet cool.
Theres nothing wrong with the boat those big holes help keep our feet cool.
Simon Advanced Member
5,001 posts Joined: Dec, 2001
Posted - 2005/02/18 : 07:15:51
It's true that a lot of people that like metal will also enjoy a fair bit of techno or gabber.
"So understand,
Don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years,
Face up...Make your stand,
And realise your living in the golden years!"
Posted - 2005/05/24 : 17:13:35
That's a good question: Why is metal appealing?
I believe it's appealing to some of us, because metal is almost the musical interpretation of Nietzsche's nihilism theory, which puts up front the fact that we human beings are mortal and that we have a finite quantity of time here on earth, and no "other world" after we die. Those who appreciate metal are for the most part, accepting the fact that them too, are mortals, and thus decide to live the life they want the way they want it. People should stop thinking that metal is all about death and destruction (even though I aknowledge thay some of it does). In fact, the nihilism from metal is more of a positive message, as it tells you to live your life to the fullest since you're not here forever.
Moreover, metal music has some of the world's greatest musicians, which make its music one of the most complex and beautiful to the experienced ear that listens to it ^_^