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Senior Member
467 posts Joined: May, 2006
Posted - 2006/06/01 : 13:58:17
k first of all let me say i dont produce at all, even tho i would like to get into it. i neither hav any software/hardware, or a decent enough computer to support any of it. and i dont no a hell of a lot about music itself (ie composure, writing music or playing any instruments), but what i can do is come up with fairly catchy melodies and often even lyrics.
keeping track of lyrics is easy, i can just write them down, but how can i make some sort of hard copy of the melodies etc in my head? coz sooner or later, i tend to forget them.
put simply, i hav 3 tracks in mind for once i learn how to produce: 2 more or less sketched out fully, the 3rd has sorta just come to me about 10mins ago.
does anyone no how i could put these in some form of usuable medium so that i can pick them up again once i get a decent comp & learn how to use the softwear properly?
S3RL - Keep on Ravin
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- come on do it
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Senior Member
United Kingdom
431 posts Joined: Mar, 2005
Posted - 2006/06/01 : 14:48:43
without using a keyboard, or software...
get a tape recorder, and do the human beat box thing lol except with humming, and various noises with ur mouth :D
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Advanced Member
United Kingdom
3,895 posts Joined: Mar, 2002
91 hardcore releases
Posted - 2006/06/01 : 22:29:20
yup, a dictaphone is a songwriter's greatest friend!
If you have the cash, I recently had to evaluate the new M-Audio M-Track MP3/Wav recorder for work - whilst it wasn't as good as we hoped for the application we had it in mind for it is extremely good quality for audio reording (and sampling on the fly!) and comes witha microphone. It also comes witha £250 price tag though!
You can get a semi-decent dictaphone though for about £20 which would be more than ideal!
"We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing."
- George Bernard Shaw
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Senior Member
New Zealand
375 posts Joined: Jun, 2004
Posted - 2006/06/01 : 22:54:19
Luminate if you want to get into production with even an antique computer you could consider a DOS-based tracker such as FastTracker or ScreamTracker
They'll run on a 386 no problem as long as you've got a soundcard. Or you could try the windows based tracker ModPlug. Best of all I believe you can get them free of charge now.
A lot of the old classic hardcore tunes were probably done in a tracker. I think Frisky & Hujib and also Brisk started on trackers.
A tracker is (usually always) sample based. So you'll need to collect/acquire samples as you go. If you ever move to something like Reason, you can some of the samples (drums, vox, etc).
It'l save you 20 quid and might help your creativity!
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Junior Member
142 posts Joined: Oct, 2002
36 hardcore releases
Posted - 2006/06/02 : 20:09:15
yeah, i'd also say you should buy a dictaphone or a cheap ass microphone will do the work if you hook it up to your computer and run sndrec32. Buying all sorts of equipment until your testacles fall off is not a good idea in the beginning.
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