Starting Member
2 posts Joined: Jan, 2006
Posted - 2006/03/13 : 22:59:25
I'm just getting into producing music with FLstudio 6 and I am doing alright so far. I'm actually starting to fly around the program. However I can't get anything that doesn't sound horrible out of the built in synths. Not even passable which means I'm doing something wrong. I know what each of the waveforms sound like and I've taken a liking to Saws. However I don't know how to get the sounds I want out of those waveforms. Anyone know of any good tutorials or advice for setting up a synth? And does anyone have any good recomendations for free or cheap VST synths? I'd appreciate any help you can give me. Patches are getting boring mighty quickly as I'd like a unique sound.
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