Posted - 2005/04/09 : 09:57:24
Hi guys :) I'm relatively new to the forums here, but I wanted to say hi and also drop a link to a new happy hardcore song that I've just finished. I wanted to see what you thought of it. It is a remix of a 1997 tracker tune by BUZz [iLLOGiK]. The first link is to my version, and the second is to the original.
Posted - 2005/04/09 : 17:33:46
Couldn't get the original version to work so I cant compare the two....
Like your tune the floaty, happy feel it has. It's well put together but something doesn't seem right around 3min's into it...I think it's a bass line? But that's just my imo and I'm probably wrong. ..Overall...I like it!!
Posted - 2005/04/09 : 22:55:46
no, you're right. There is something wrong with the bass. I've known that for a long time, but I could never figure out what to do with it exactly. Try the link again, I've changed it around a bit; hope it sounds better!
Posted - 2005/04/10 : 19:04:00
Had another listen, the bass around the 3min mark sounds better now, But I reckon the low lenghty bass is out of place? Sounds like it's in a mix at certain parts...
Other than that....It's sounds really good!!
It's got a nice vibe throughout...and I like what you done with the vocals.