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New Member
United States
29 posts Joined: Jun, 2003
Posted - 2004/01/09 : 08:59:57
Hey, does anyone know of a cheap, internal soundcard that has RCA inputs. All im looking for is the RCA inputs, so I can record sets.
I ripped my nut sack on a barbed-wire fence.
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United States
1,544 posts Joined: Aug, 2002
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Posted - 2004/01/09 : 09:12:15
Well.. there are no cheap ones that I know of. I have a Soundblaster Live! Platinum. It came with a Live Drive but I can't install it because my computer can't fit it! >.<
I suggest either getting a converter (like I used to use) that can plug two RCA in and then put that in Line In. It's not good quality but it's a dang cheap way. Or (like I have now) get a Soundblaster MP3+ (I think it's called). I forgot how much it was, but it certainly does the job right and it's only USB!
__________ _ _ __________ _ _ __________ _ _ __________ _ _
Y Don't U get off your arse and get these tracks out instead...
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12,565 posts Joined: Feb, 2001
894 hardcore releases
Posted - 2004/01/09 : 09:47:27
Most sound cards have a jack input, just buy the correct cables.
it's all hardcore.
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United Kingdom
1,906 posts Joined: Aug, 2002
Posted - 2004/01/09 : 10:47:32
Just get a phono with a RCA jack thing on the end ,Thats what i have...
"Its An Oral Show ,We have Oral fixations"
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Starting Member
United States
11 posts Joined: Jan, 2004
Posted - 2004/01/09 : 15:45:41
i have the mp3+ usb, got it for like $70. it will do what you're looking for. apparently you can turn the input latency down to 0 somehow w/ that card too, but i haven't tried. that's only if you use the card directly w/ MME and not with ASIO or whatever. with ASIO i still can't get below 42 ms.
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United Kingdom
3,895 posts Joined: Mar, 2002
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Posted - 2004/01/09 : 16:05:04
subnaut: 0ms latency is only when monitoring incoming audio. Its a feature caled zero-latency monitoring (or something like that) and what it does is bypass the soundcard for monitoring. Unforuntately it doesn't work with soft synths (which is what I imagine you are trying to use it for)
Infinitron: best solution is to get an RCA to jack lead like Silver says.
If you really want a soundcard though, I have the MAudio Audiophile 2496 and it rocks. Latency as low as 5.2ms, and it supports 24bit 96kHz.
Matthew aka DJ Underloop
"We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing."
- George Bernard Shaw
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