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Numark PPD01 Mixer

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United Kingdom
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Joined: Nov, 2003
Triquatra is a site donation subscriber Triquatra has attended 26 events
Posted - 2003/11/01 :  21:43:07  Show profile Send a private message  Visit Triquatra's homepage
Ok. my wife and i have owned the PPD01 mixer for almost a year now, and it has had to go back for repairs twice, the first time, it went haywire, we're talking, completly mental. no matter where you put the faders, it played music, and better than that, it "flashed" the music randomly. the ppd01 is numarks, and the worlds first FULLY digital mixer, its all hooked up inside digitally. as it turned out..the reason for this odd problem was the crossfader..
we then waited a month for them to send it back, and now, the second time...this is just as fun, it wont regestar ANY sound, you cant choose effects, and none of the dippy buttons will light up...

i was just wondering, is any one else having these problems with the PPD01,
its a real bugger, cause its such a good mixer to use...why cant it just work!!!!!! this mixer has been babied, hell, even bought the ttx1s/ppd01 a dust cover...gah!

anyway, am i the only one?

"an idiot must be right by chance once in a while, for a wise man see's not what a blind man see's"

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Dj Dess
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Posted - 2003/11/01 :  21:49:05  Show profile  Send a private message
I own one and mines fine its a pretty sweet mixer I had a lil fader problem with mine but i did buy mine as a blow out deal special so i assumed that would happen ;-) and got it fixed for free but it is a lil wikkid mixer send it back to numark demanding a new one thats what i would do

"Check mate!!!"-Derek

"Check mate!!!"-Derek

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